Access Request

Who we are
Supercomputer Facility
GUJCOST has established the Supercomputer facility PARAM Shavak developed by C-DAC at Parul University for providing the platform to the young students and academic researcher with innovative ideas and to provide an end-to-end solution for high-performance computing / deep learning, starting from latest hardware, GPU Accelerated software development environment, application support, training and tutorials to nurture and satisfy needs of the end users.

PARAM SHAVAK-supercomputer specifications and features

Intel® Xeon® Gold 6145 Processor
40 Independent central processing units in a single computing component

16GB of ultra-fast GDDR6 memory to hold large datasets
This motherboard provides superb system performance based on cutting-edge technologies to address the needs of next-generation.

This supercomputer is powered by High Speed 96GB RAM with Wide storage of 16TB.

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In order to promote research and development programs GUJCOST has facilitated establishment of Supercomputer Facility PARAM Shavak developed by C-DAC at Parul University. This is a state-of-the-art computing facility in Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The Supercomputer platform offers end-to-end solution for high-performance computing /deep learning starting from latest hardware, GPU Accelerated software development environment, application support, training and tutorials to the young students and academic researchers who have innovative ideas to satisfy the needs of the end users.
2 User eligibility
Individuals from the categories listed below are eligible to use the System:
i. Parul University employees and full-time personnel in equivalent positions who are engaged in research work or project work.
ii. A person, working in managerial capacity, who is not employed in the university but involved in research and development activity in the university, can use the supercomputer facility as per the requirements of the research work.
iii. Persons, other than those listed in (ii) above, working as supervisors, PIs, Co-PIs, Team Leaders, Unit Leaders can use the system as per their requirements for carrying out research .
iv. An individual, whose participation in any research and development project under the collaboration with PU supervisor(s).
v. An individual, other than those belonging to any of the four categories above, has to take permission from the Lab Manager to access the supercomputer facility.
vi. Lab can permit bonafide users to use supercomputer (carrying out research work in other GUJCOST sponsored projects or other projects of the institute or nearby institutes).
3Access Request Applications
In order to access the Supercomputer facility:
• Individual(s) must appoint a Project Representative, as stipulated in the PU Supercomputer System Summary of Operations.
• The Project Representative must submit a project application filling up all the requisite details as required through the google form on https://tinyurl.com/supercomputerlab to the Lab Manager.
4 Approval
Upon receipt of the application and completion of scrutiny by the Review Committee or the Lab Manager, the Lab will notify the Project Representative of the project and will issue user ID to the project representative to access the supercomputer.
5 Prohibition of diversion of IDs
i. Users must manage their user ID, passwords and private keys securely and take adequate measures to prevent their fraudulent use.
ii. Users are not allowed to use their project IDs and user IDs for any purpose other than that stipulated in Article 2. Allowing any third party to use allotted IDs is strictly forbidden.
6 Prohibited activities
Users are prohibited from using the System in any of the following ways:
• For any purpose other than the allocated research work.
• For any project other than that for which the user received approval from Supercomputer Lab according to the provisions of Article Approval.
• For any other use which violates security policies and guidelines of Supercomputer Lab
7 Submission of Research Papers & Reports
i. In all research papers published / presented or projects based on the application/usage of Supercomputer, the authors should mention acknowledgment of support in name of GUJCOST and Department of Science and Technology, Govt of Gujarat. The project coordinator has to submit a copy of such published papers to Manager, Supercomputer Lab.
ii. Ownership of results using the System obtained through a user’s initiative will reside with the user but they have to acknowledge GUJCOST in their report and have to submit one copy of the report to the Manager, Supercomputer Lab
iii. The Manager may request that users submit reports of their findings/results and procedures when using the System. When requested for submission of reports, users must submit a report to the Manager.
8 Cancelation of eligibility
• The manager may suggest users to make improvements in their use of the System in case the manager feels that wrong/ inappropriate use may cause damage to supercomputer.
• When a user does not obey the guidelines as described above or when any of the five cases listed below applies to the user, the manager may cancel the user’s System Registration or forbid the user from using the System.
a) When the user no longer meets the eligibility criteria given in Article User Eligibility.
b) When it is discovered that the user has diverted a project or user ID to a third party in violation of Article Prohibition of Diversion of User ID and Project ID.
c) When user indulges in any of the activities listed under Prohibited Activities
d) When user does not submit the report or fails to give the attributions stipulated in Article Submission of Reports.
e) When cancelation of eligibility is requested.
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